Electro Ultra Chorus – Reaktor Ensemble

Electro Ultra Chorus for NI Reaktor
Ultra Chorus

Electro Ultra Chorus is a classic chorus effect for NI Reaktor that is tuned to work best with synthesizers and electronic instruments.

Add top quality cohesive and sweet chorus sound for your synths and electronic sounds!

* Included in Golden Ensembles, the complete pack for NI Reaktor

Golden Ensembles 3

Main Features:

  • Designed to sound great on synthesizers and electronic instruments
  • Non Repetitive Chorus sound
  • Ultra Mode for wider Chorus sound
  • Mono and Stereo modes

Designed with synthesizers and electronic instruments in mind, Electro Ultra Chorus perfectly fits synthetic sounds, synths and unnatural environments.

Electro Ultra Chorus uses complex delay modulation with an extensive use of sample&hold and Geiger counters, for the most non-repetitive action. The result is a very cohesive and sweet chorus sound.

Electro Chorus has mono and stereo modes. The delay time, modulation rate, modulation depth and stereo spread are controllable.

There is also the ultra-mode that should be used when more pronounced effect is needed.


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