Red Snapper – Reaktor Ensemble

Read Snapper Reaktor Ensembles
Red Snapper special effect for reaktor

Red Snapper is the effect for special missions. It is like a rare spice with a very special flavor: with Red Snapper nothing sounds boring!

Combining digital and analog distortion with multi-notch filters and other goodies, Red Snapper is a surprising effect for NI Reaktor with a distinct sound of its own.

Just pass anything through it – and expect interesting results!

* Included in Golden Ensembles, the complete pack for NI Reaktor (Not available individually)

Golden Ensembles 3

Main Features:

  • Unique and full of charm Lo-fi sounds!
  • Great sounding saturator, bit crusher, and sample rate divider
  • Distortion can be applied to a certain frequency range
  • Multi-notch filter with 5 bands
  • LFO for the different notches – for special stereophonic sound effects

Golden Ensembles 3: 45 Premium Reaktor Ensembles

Take full advantage of your Reaktor! Golden Ensembles 3 is the ultimate toolbox for any sophisticated music producer and sound...

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Native Instruments Reaktor 5 for Mac or PC
